Real-Bogus Classifier

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Latest Experiments
ID Date User Dataset Algorithm Features Confusion Matrix
true reals false reals tr + fr
false bogus true bogus fb + tb
tr + fb fr + tb N
Measures Platform Description
5 Oct. 2, 2015 admin cstar_june01 Random Forest deltax, deltay, ratio, peak2centroid, x2, y2, xy, cxx, cyy, cxy, a, b, theta, mag_aper, magerr_aper, flux_aper, fluxerr_aper, threshold, flux_max, fwhm_image, neg_pix, neg_pix_fraction, close_to_mask
57 13 70
59 1562 1621
116 1575 1691

Recall: 0.49

Precision: 0.81

F-measure: 0.61

FPR: 0.19

Miss Rate: 0.04

Weka RB_feat03
4 Aug. 14, 2015 admin cstar_june01 Random Forest deltax, deltay, ratio, peak2centroid, x2, y2, xy, cxx, cyy, cxy, a, b, theta, mag_aper, magerr_aper
52 26 78
64 1549 1613
116 1575 1691

Recall: 0.45

Precision: 0.67

F-measure: 0.54

FPR: 0.33

Miss Rate: 0.04

Weka RB02 features on cstar_june01
2 Aug. 12, 2015 admin cstar_june01 Random Forest deltax, deltay, ratio, peak2centroid, x2, y2, xy, cxx, cyy, cxy, a, b, theta, mag_aper, magerr_aper, flux_aper, fluxerr_aper, threshold, flux_max, fwhm_image, neg_pix, neg_pix_fraction, close_to_mask
1491 50 1541
17 1525 1542
1508 1575 3083

Recall: 0.99

Precision: 0.97

F-measure: 0.98

FPR: 0.03

Miss Rate: 0.01

Weka RB_feat03 with SMOTE
3 Aug. 12, 2015 admin cstar_june01 Random Forest deltax, deltay, ratio, peak2centroid, x2, y2, xy, cxx, cyy, cxy, a, b, theta, mag_aper, magerr_aper
1358 54 1412
34 1521 1555
1392 1575 2967

Recall: 0.98

Precision: 0.96

F-measure: 0.97

FPR: 0.04

Miss Rate: 0.02

Weka RB_feat02 with SMOTE
1 Aug. 10, 2015 admin cstar_june01 Random Forest deltax, deltay, ratio, peak2centroid, x2, y2, xy, cxx, cyy, cxy, a, b, theta
42 18 60
74 1557 1631
116 1575 1691

Recall: 0.36

Precision: 0.70

F-measure: 0.48

FPR: 0.30

Miss Rate: 0.05

Weka RB_feat01 on cstar_june01